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The employment landscape has changed – likely forever. To attract and retain quality talent, your business must adapt to the reality of this new environment.

Panorama Benefits Company is a benefits consulting firm specializing in retention and financial wellness. We take advantage of insurance and investment products to create a customized, multi-tiered benefits program that incorporates merit and achievement. We provide solutions and support for employee benefits, selective benefits, and business owner benefits. Making benefits better for the WHOLE company – from employee to executives to business owners.

The partners at Panorama Benefits Company, members of the Principal® Financial Network of Central Iowa, are multi-licensed professionals with more than 55 years of combined experience. Panorama Benefits Company takes pride in developing benefit programs that are understood, utilized and appreciated leading to a more loyal, productive and financially competent workforce.

MJ & EB photo for TFS 8-22


Mitch Johnk
110 E. Main Street,
Panora, Iowa 50216



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