Marketing Booth: Rock Valley Physical Therapy
Rock Valley Physical Therapy offers over 60 physical therapy clinics in Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois.
Rock Valley Physical Therapy has demonstrated stability since opening in 1984 and has grown from 1 location to 60 by providing the highest quality of care and customer service to a variety of clients. We have personnel that have had many years of experience and training in the treatment and management of injured workers. Rock Valley has facilities specifically designed to provide the simulation of work demands necessary for a quick and safe return to work. Additionally, Rock Valley is able to provide a superior Wellness product through Rock Valley Health that has proven effectiveness in reducing risk factors associated with many health issues resulting in a healthier work force.
Services available:
- Orthopedic/Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation
- Work Hardening/Work Conditioning
- Post-Offer Employment Test
- Functional Capacity Evaluation
- Specialized Hand Rehabilitation
- Injury Prevention Training
- Work Comp Case Management
- On-site services: Injury Treatment, Injury Prevention Training, Ergonomics, Job Analysis
- Virtual Physical Therapy Services: Musculoskeletal Program for Pain Management
- Corporate Wellness
- Tactical Fitness Testing
Tomas Crimmins
Business Relations Manager
Rock Valley Physical Therapy
1700 N. Division Street
Suite 200
Davenport, IA
(309) 756-6274
Request Information

Why Work With Us?
- 60 convenient physical therapy clinic locations
- Nearly 500 screenings per year
- 50% reduction in work injuries in one year
- Predictable costs for injury management
Nationwide wellness services
27% reduction in total health care plan spending
30+ years of industrial therapy expertise
Fewer lost work days